Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
Step up to the front line and help at the State level!
Your state league needs YOU. If you have served as a League member in good standing for a minimum of one year, then you are eligible to hold one of the following open positions (Click on the title to see the job description):
President-Elect (May 2025-2026, President May 2026-2027)
Treasurer (May 2025-May 2027)
Secretary (May 2025-May 2027)
Nominating Committee Chair (May 2025-May 2027)
The successful candidates will have experience in leadership, advocacy, business, government or non-profit work. Applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply. You can nominate yourself or another League member.
Use this QR code to access the Application Form
The application deadline is March 1, 2025
League of Women Voters AZ
1934 E. Camelback Rd. Suite 120 #277 Phoenix, AZ 85016
Email: lwvarizona@gmail.com